A Revised Composing Process

 1.       Informal.

2.       All writers.

3.       Writing.

4.       Writer’s Block happens when we are not sure what comes next, or something is missing, or “just not right,” and we don’t know what to do about it.

5.       Writers.

6.       3.

7.       Tolle, E. 1999. The Power of Now. The New World Library

8.       Because it’s not a book, article, or something published thing. It was just a line.

9.       (sic) used in brackets after a copied or quoted word that appears odd or erroneous to show that the word is quoted exactly as it stands in the original.

10.   Not so much.

11.   Maybe around 10 times per life.

12.   He had 37 times experienced Writers Blocks.

13.   2.


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